My tiresome search for a job has finally provided a fragment of success - I have a trial shift behind the bar at Firebug on Thursday night. I do hope I get the job, as that place seems to be my second home anyway and I'm bored of job hunting now. I have bar experience, and I know half the staff anyway, lets just hope I don't fuck up somehow..
This weekend is the PVS (Performance Vauxhall Show) at Santa Pod Raceway, Northampton. Once again my car will be on the mk3 Astra owners stand, and I'll probably spend most of my day watching the action on the strip. I always look forward to shows like this as it gives me a chance to get away somewhere and see some amazing cars. The VBOA Rally at Billing Aquadrome is next month, which is also a great weekend.
This evening I'm going to tidy my flat, and maybe finish a song I started writing a couple of days ago. Ttfn.
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